Thursday 14 March 2013


Excuse the iPhone wire on the floor haha

I rarely post OOTDs mainly because I don't have the space in my house to do so, hopefully when the weather gets a little better I may attempt to take them outside. Anyway this is what I wore to Keep Calm and Go Shopping event on Tuesday. I never got home from college till about 5 so it was a quick change then back out the door again I barley had time to redo my make up. Shocking I know! 

Blazer  - River Island
Skirt - Topshop
Top - Ebay
Bag - New Look
Boots - Internationale 
Necklace - H&M
Lipstick-Revlon Fuchsia

P.S I am sure you all would have heard about the 'Blogging Crisis' going on at the moment, its all over my timeline on Twitter. Basically Google are going to be getting rid of GFC, I don't know about yourselves but I follow all my blogs through it, it was so easy just to click follow :( I have moved to Blog Lovin' I have never been a fan of it but I guess a change is good... you can follow me here