Sunday 8 June 2014


I am a total perfume junkie. The highlight of a holiday for me is the shopping spree in Duty Free - unfortunately I take after my mum in the perfume obsession and have a very expensive taste in them. Champagne lifestyle, lemonade wages as they say. My favourites are Miss Dior, Chanel Chance and YSL Parisienne if any of you were interested.  I was watching BeautyCrush on Youtube a few weeks ago and she mentioned that she picked up a Zara perfume called Applejuice.  I have never really smelled the perfumes in Zara before but when she said that it smelled similar to Chanel Chance I definitely had to pick a bottle up, or smell it at least.  I am so bad at describing scents but it is a very fresh and ladylike, perfect so perfect for everyday.  Now is it like Chanel? I totally get the Chanel comparison and it is similar but don't be expecting wonderful things as the bottle is only £5.99 but it is a great bottle to carry in your handbag, and you won't moan if a girl asks to borrow some in the toilet on a nightout. We have all been there eh?