Sunday 13 January 2013

Tag - Liebster Award

I was tagged by the lovely Lynne to do the Leibster Award: its a fabulous tag which is mainly targeted to new bloggers with less than 200 followers it's a great way to find new blogs and also a little chance to tell your followers a thing or two about yourself. 

The rules are:

  • Write 11 facts about yourself 
  • Answer the 11 question asked by the person who nominated you.
  • Choose up to 11 blogs (with less than 200 followers) and write 11 questions for them (remember to let them know you've nominated them)


love Blondie and Debbie Harry - my mum introduced me to the band when I was about 13 and I've loved them ever since My best friend has bought me tickets to see them live in July. I am so excited! The date I'm seeing them is Debbie Harry's birthday 
which is pretty cool.

I've read blogs/watched youtube videos for about 4 years now - I found it all through lollipop26 on youtube - who sadly doesn't make videos anymore.

My first mac product was - Studio Fix Fulid.

I want to be a fashion buyer - I love finding wants going to be in trend in the next season etc. I love traveling and seeing 
different countries - even though I hate flying.

Back to Black by Amy Winehouse is my favourite album of all time and Amy Winehouse is one of my favourite artists.

I have seen Adele in a really small venue with my sister about 2 years ago, we were in the front row, she was incredible live and
spoke to us.

It takes me about 3 hours to straighten my hair -  I have really curly hair and it is impossible to straighten, I always get asked so many questions on it.

I am the fussiest eater you will ever meet - I hate most foods. It drives all my mum insane as I only eat certain foods.

I am a bit of a geek when it comes to Apple products - I don't queue up outside the Apple Store when new products come out but I do like to watch the launch online etc.

I love reality TV - I love everything! Big Brother,TOWIE,Made in Chelsea. LOVE IT ALL!

I collect magazine - I have collected magazines for about three years now it started which Company magazine and now its Vogue I have them stored at the top of the wardrobe and don't have the 
heart to bin them.


1) If you had to go without lipstick or mascara for the rest of your life which could you give up?

 This is such a difficult question, I love my lipsticks, especially bold colours but I look awful without any mascara on... I would have to say lipstick I can't go out the door without it!

2) What's your favourite type of blog post to write?

 Fashion posts probably, I feel more confident writing about them.

3) What's the best holiday you've ever been on?

 Definitely Portugal in 2006, it was a fantastic holiday.

4) What's your favourite TV show?
 Friends without a doubt I have seen ever episode about 10 times and never get board! My favourite episode is probably the one when Ross gets a spray tan I still find it hilarious.

5) Are you a heels or flats girl?

Both! I love wearing heels when going out although my feet suffer then next day but on a day to day basic I wear flats usually my chelsea boots or my Doc Martens.

6) Which would you rather do: go on a big night out, go for dinner and cinema, or have a night in with a takeaway and a DVD?

I love doing all three tbh, but I do love a good night out with my friends especially since some of them have most away for uni its good to have a night out when they are back home.

7) Which Friends girl are you most like - Phoebe, Rachel or Monica?
I think I am probably most like Rachel since she likes fashion but Phoebe is my favourite character.

8) What has been your biggest beauty mistake?  A dodgy haircut, questionable makeup look etc

I have definitely had some questionable make up looks and hair styles,I used to go to school with foundation and loads of eyeliner on no blusher or highlighter or even lipstick! I was completely matte. My hair styles were also questionable I hated my hair when I was younger so I would wear it scraped back in a pony and use loads of hairspray. WHAT WAS I THINKING?!

9) What's your favourite accent?

Irish! every girl loves an Irish accent don't they? although I do have a soft spot for the Liverpool accent too.

10) If you were a celebrity and had to go on a reality show would you rather do Celebrity Big Brother, I'm a Celeb Get Me Out of Here, Strictly Come Dancing, or Dancing on Ice?

Big Brother I love the programme so for a chance to be on it would be amazing, I am a huge Big Brother fan.

11) If you were only allowed to buy clothes from one shop/website  for a year, which would it be?

Probably Topshop, it has nice clothes although recently I haven't being to keen on them, affordable make up, great shoes and lovely underwear.

People I tag and their questions! 

  • What is your favourite season?
  • If you could only use one make up product for the rest of your life what would it be?
  • How did you get into the blogging or youtube community
  • Who is your favourite One Direction member?
  • What is your favourite thing about blogging?
  • Your favourite genre of movie?
  • Number 1 make up/beauty tip?
  • If you could have 3 famous people at a dinner party, who would it be?
  • What is your favourite type of food Indian, Chinese, Italian etc?
  • What is your claim to fame? Have you met anyone famous or something?
  • What is your main goal for 2013?